Credit: Erin Newman-Smith

How do we build a nervous system? NRI investigators employ state-of-the-art molecular cell biology and molecular genetics strategies in a variety of model systems, including C. elegans, Drosophila, ascidians and vertebrates to address critical issues is the remarkable progression of a fertilized egg into an adult nervous system, the most complex structure in the known universe.


Wilcox Family Chair in BioMedicine
Dr Clegg's research focuses on developing cures for blindness using embryonic, iPS, and adult stem cells.
Two major groups of diseases termed retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration are the leading causes of blindness.
Co-Director NRI
Harriman Professor of Neuroscience
Neural plasticity including the molecular basis of plasticity, the evolution of synapses, and disease-related impairments of plasticity such as occurs in Alzheimer's disease.
Duggan Professor and Distinguished Professor
Combination of molecular, genetic, and state-of-the-art imaging approaches to define and solve fundamental questions in cell and developmental biology with implications for neurodegenerative disease, ischemic diseases and cancer.
Organization, development and plasticity of the retina and visual pathway.
Molecular and genetic analysis of development, stem cell biology, apoptosis, and behavior in the nematode C. elegans.
We research in two primary areas: (1) the mechanisms of neural tube closure in Xenopus and Ciona; (2) and behavior and neural circuity in Ciona.